Future Projects Ideas

Since I’ve started the Progenitor Challenge, as well as continued a BACC and started an Amazon Challenge, it has me thinking about other challenges and saves I’d like to play someday. I have a list of ideas, some of which I’ve been thinking about for months and others of which are brand new. I thought I’d go ahead and share them with you!




Keith : Get to Work

Even after all this time, youngest generation 2 member Keith is still one of my favorite Morgan boys. This is pretty much the longest running idea for a save I’ve had. I’ve had Get to Work for quite some time, but I’ve never actually had a sim play through any of the playable careers or run a business. Since Keith had the Culinary aspiration, I thought he’d be a great candidate to run a restaurant.

(There’s also the part where I wish I’d found him a spouse as interesting and awesome as he is. I almost made Keith the heir instead of Jasmine–establishing a youngest child rule instead of a youngest daughter rule–so I’ve always felt like I owe him a save of his own.)



Carter & Delilah : Get Famous

I don’t have Get Famous yet, since I’m not going to buy any more packs until I get a new computer since my computer probably can’t handle any more being added to the game. But I’m determined to make this happen, because I want all the packs that have been released this year. And when I get Get Famous, I’m definitely going to pop Delilah right into Del Sol Valley and have her take it over.

I’m thinking I’ll have her go the social media route, since she’s very fashion focused, which means I need someone else to test the acting route. As soon as I realized this, I thought back through the generation 4 sims I’ve been thinking about playing again and immediately decided that Carter would be the perfect sim for the job. He was one of those sims that I always enjoyed watching and wished that I had more time to focus on, and I can definitely see him taking on Del Sol Valley, too.




Zoe : Realm of Magic

Realm of Magic is at the top of my Sims 4 wish list, and Zoe is the only sim I can imagine myself testing it with. I can’t decide if I’ll import her whole family and play through all of them (pros: I love her daughters and she and her husband are MFEO; I always wished I’d been able to play through their family; I’ll have more sims to test different features of the pack/cons: that’ll be 4 sims to focus on instead of 1), or if I’ll just set her down in the neighborhood as a Young Adult. Watch this space.


Specific Challenges


Avalon : Boolprop Baby Boom Challenge

This is a challenge I’ve wanted to play for a long time. I’ve actually already created a save for it with Avalon and her wife! (My original thought was to use it to play test Parenthood, but then I used my Redmond Legacy for that instead.) This challenge just looks like a lot of fun, and I’ve missed playing Avalon, so I’d love another chance to do that. I don’t know that I can see myself going straight into it after finishing the 100BC, since I might want a break from the child-rearing grind, but I’ll get to it one day!



Luna, Misty, Nadine & October : Four Immortal Sisters

As soon as I heard about this challenge, I decided I wanted to try my hand at it sometime. These four generation 3 girls have always been one of my favorite sets of Morgans sisters, and I pretty much immediately decided I wanted to use them for this challenge. (Luna will be the Air sister, Misty will be the Fire sister, Nadine will be the Earth sister, and October will be the Water sister.) I’ve also decided I want it to be a witch based challenge, so I’ve assigned the different Realm of Magic systems to each sister and have come up with a few ways to incorporate it into the challenge.



xander and frances

Xander & Family : Build A City Challenge

Xander, Frances & Simone are one of the spare families I’ve always wished I could play, so I’m planning to add them to my BACC. A friend of mine and I have adapted the BACC rules to TS4, and I’ve played my own neighborhood briefly. It’ll take quite a while for me to save up for three CAS sims, but as soon as I do, Xander et. al. will be joining the game. (I’m currently planning for this to become my central project as soon as I finish the 100 Baby Challenge, and have already started a blog for it, so more about that… someday….)




Aurora : The Build Newcrest Challenge

Aurora is definitely one of the generation 4 sims I want to play again, and as soon as I read about the Build Newcrest challenge it struck me as something she would be a good founder for. Your first sim needs to complete a Nature aspiration, and she’s a Nature sim who I want to have a spouse and kids in her next save, so it seemed like a great match.




Freya : The Amazon Challenge

I actually spent a few days playing an Amazon Challenge–I had Freya as the Creator, and added Tabitha and Marion as the Warrior and Gatherer, respectively. After a while I realized it was going to be an unwieldy challenge to play, since in order to really create a full tribe you’ll need to either add a mod that allows larger households to your game or you’ll need to be really good at getting sims from other lots to be on your lot all the time, so I shelved it until a time I have the brain space required to work all that out.




Phillip : The Not So Berry Challenge

The Not So Berry challenge is one that I’ve recently gotten interested in, and I realized that Phillip might be a great sim to use for it. The Mint generation calls for a sim to build their Mischief skill and work in the Scientist career, and I can definitely see Phillip doing both. He’s one of the generation 4 sims I became more and more intrigued with over time, and I’d love to play him again.



Assorted Cousins: The Finishing School Challenge

This is so different from everything else on my list that I really want to try my hand at it. My first thought was that I could wait for a girl-heavy generation of the 100 baby challenge, but then I realized that I could use female cousins from various generations, and I like that idea better.




The Differences in the Family Tree Challenge

This is one of those challenges where I can never decide if I like it enough to want to play through it or not, but I figured I’d put it on the list just in case. I have a whole lot of Nature sims that I could choose from to be the founder, after all.

The Found Your Town Challenge

This is a challenge that’s similar enough to the BACC that I don’t know if I’d do both, or at least I wouldn’t do them concurrently, but I do like the sound of it. I’m really not sure who I’d use as the founder for something like this, beyond that it’s probably not one you’d want to have a big family of your own in, since you’ll be moving in sims.


The Settler Challenge

This is basically a BACC on steroids, so I’d want to play the BACC before trying this out. Even so, I’m kind of intrigued. Again, I’m not sure who I’d use to found this, but like the BACC I’m thinking this would be a fun one to add spares’ families from assorted challenges to. If I had to decide right now, I’d probably use Ethan and his family. (Dang, now that I’ve thought of that I really want to do it!)


The Zodiac Legacy Challenge

I’m very hit or miss when it comes to challenges that spell out all the storytelling aspects of the challenge as well as the gameplay aspects, but the Zodiac Challenge is one that appeals to me. I don’t know if I have a Morgan that would suit the first generation yet–I need someone who will do well on the Politician track, will run a club (so Popularity sims are preferred, but I’m willing to switch their original Aspiration), will max out the Wellness skill, and will have any/all of the Self-Assured/Erratic/Ambitious traits (I’m going to handwave the traits part rather than strictly sticking to it for the founder.)



Other Sims

Even only at the halfway point of the challenge I have a list of Morgans I’d love to play again in other saves. There are ones I have set ideas for, which I’ve shared already, but even more that I don’t have any firm ideas for, I’m just sure that I really want to play them again. Here are my current thoughts on all of them, sorted by generation.


Generation 2: Brian, Cameron, Drusilla & Herald

Brian and Cameron were two of the strongest personalities in generation 2, and I would love to play them again, together if possible. (I still think of them + Avalon as a unit, since those three were inseparable in game.) I haven’t run across a project yet that I feel like is perfect for either/both of them, but hopefully I will someday.

Drusilla is one of my generation 2 favorites overall, and I really want to play her again. (I actually debated using her for a City Living play through before going with Irene!) Like with Brian and Cameron, I just haven’t run across anything that’s really made me think I NEED TO USE DRU FOR THIS yet.

Since I used Irene in a save, it seems only fair to use Herald, too! They actually seem like a good candidate for an Island Living play through. I think something like that would be good to use two sims for, so that you can have one explore the ecological aspects of the game and one explore the mermaid side of the game. The thing is, I’m not sure who I’d send along with Herald…



Generation 3: Perseus & Tabitha

Several months ago I made a list of play throughs I wanted to do and the generation 3 sims I’d use for each of them. I had Perseus (and his cousin, Clarence, who is Brian and Cassandra Goth’s son) in mind for a Strangerville play through, and I still really like that idea. That pack isn’t really anywhere on my wish list, but I would like to get it someday, and I still think Perseus would be a great person to play test it with.

As for Tabitha, I don’t have any projects in mind for her yet, but given that she is my eternal favorite there will always be room in my heart and my game for a project centered around her (and Marion and Cameron).



Generation 4: Ethan & Idris

The more I think about using Ethan and his family for a Settlers Challenge, the more I like the idea. Ethan & Mackenzie are one of my Morgans OTPs for sure, so I wouldn’t want to send Ethan into a save without her, and I like their kids, too. I’d definitely need a project that the whole family could be included in if I were to play Ethan again. The only drawback to going with the Settlers is that your kids can’t go to school until there are 12 people in the colony, and Ethan’s kids would all be school-aged when the challenge would start. So maybe he wouldn’t be the right sim, after all. I also thought about adding them to the BACC. I figured that by the time I saved up five CAS slots and could add Ethan et. al. to the game, enough time might have passed that his age gap with Xander would be right.

As for Idris, you know he is one of those Morgans that I’m just endlessly, boundlessly fond of. He’s another of those sims where I wish I had more time to play him and establish more of a life for him, so I really feel like I owe him a save where I can do that.



Generation 5: Lara & Natalie

Natalie is far and away my top priority when it comes to playing generation 5 sims in other saves. If I had had more time and patience, I absolutely would have had her get married and have kids–she’s not officially a Family or Family-Oriented sim, but she’s as devoted to the family as Lara and Kai are, and I always feel bad that I didn’t give her a nuclear family of her own. I really need to make that up to her in another save.

Lara did get a spouse and child, but she’s such a strong personality that she’s an obvious candidate to center a future project around. Maybe she and Natalie could play test Island Living? I can see Natalie getting very into the ecology elements, and Lara would be such a cool mermaid…..



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Generation 6: Tara

We’ve barely gotten anywhere with generation 6, so overall it’s way too soon to make any sort of call with them, with one exception–I really like Tara and would love to play her in another save. I’m thinking she might be a good one to play test the Moschino Stuff Pack with, but I haven’t decided for sure yet.


Honorable Mentions: Errol (Generation Two), Quentin & River (Generation Three), Harry (Generation Four), Quincy & Ronald (Generation Five), and everyone in Generation Six onward.


What do you think of my list? Are there any challenges you have tried or want to try? Do you have any thoughts on sims I could use for various challenges and/or play throughs?

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