Bonus: My Favorites List (Generations 2-5)

I was going to do a top 10 favorite sims out of the first 50 kids post after Xena (baby #50) becomes a YA, but then it occurred to me that since I have the first four generations’ pictures on this blog and will have everyone else on the second blog, it might be easier to just do a post with the first four generations here and a post with everyone else there.

So instead of a top 10 post, here is a list of every spare in the first four generations ranked in the order they hold in my heart. (The Matriarchs will probably get their own list at the very end of the challenge. We’ll see.) I’m starting from the bottom of the list and working my way up in order to build suspense~.


41-38) Finn, Oliver, Quincy & Marie

I have yet to have a Morgan that I’ve disliked. I’m really fond of all of these guys, and I’d love to see them in other people’s games! They just didn’t really stand out to me as much as the others.


37-34) Yara, Quentin, River & Perseus

The first three are the guys who I’m also a little underwhelmed by, but from Quentin on up are ones I can see myself playing again in other saves.


33-30) Silas, Gavin, Errol & Philip

The first three are all guys who were quieter, more dependable personalities that I’m more quietly, dependably fond of. I liked having all of them around, but I can’t really see myself centering future projects around them, you know? They had supporting roles in my legacy and also in my heart.

Phillip’s ranking is a little odder–my feelings for him are really in flux, since he doesn’t quite seem to have finished developing as a character yet. He keeps popping up in the main house being endearing! I feel like if I’d done this post after generation 5 had passed away rather than now, he’d be higher on the list.


29-26) Carter, Misty, Irene & Herald

These are ones that I remember quite fondly but didn’t quite bring as much to the table as other spares did.


25-22) Harry, Jude, Natalie & Avalon

Harry was just such a ridiculous bub, bless him. Jude is 100% a thirst choice and I’m not even sorry–he’s not interesting to play but wow is he beautiful. Natalie & Avalon are basically a tie–they’re both really lovely sims who played important family roles in their gen. If I ever do a family based challenge that requires having a lot of kids, I’d love to use either of them for it.

(One of my biggest game regrets is actually that I just booted Natalie out of the house rather than actually marrying her off. I would have loved to have seen her married with a kid, and I think she would have liked that, too.)


21-18) Kai, Lara, Ronald & Brooklyn

Generation 5 is a pretty good generation, but it says a lot about how strongly I loved generations 2-4 that this is the highest any member of generation 5 made it on the list. Kai and Lara are really wonderful, reliable members of their generation who are constantly checking up on the main house, showing up on public lots, and generally reminding me of how great they are. Like with Phillip, Ronald’s current spot is probably affected by how early in gen 5 I’m doing this post–I think he’d actually end up lower than this, but right now he’s being so endearing that it’s giving him a boost. And then Brooklyn–I don’t even know what to say about Brooklyn, other than that she’s just such a star.


17-14) October, Nadine, Verona & Freya

October in and of herself probably wouldn’t have been nearly this high on the list. Nadine in and of herself probably wouldn’t have been nearly this high on the list. But I think of them as a unit, and as a unit they are unstoppable. ;; Well, that and I actively have an idea for a save for them that I’ve wanted to do for MONTHS, so the fact that they’ve been in the forefront of my mind for so long really says a lot to me. And yes, the other part is that this is also totally a thirst ranking since they’re both absurdly hot, too. ;;

Verona and Freya are both just absolute legends. (And twins of matriarchs, which I didn’t even realize until I was typing this!) I actually don’t really see myself playing either of them again, but they made such strong impressions that I had to boost them up the list.


13-11) Idris, Xander & Undine

There is no truer testimony to how stellar the top 10 are than the fact that these three didn’t make the cut. I don’t even know what else can be said.


9) Brian & Cameron

I spent a while flip flopping back and forth between who would be #9 and who would be #10 before I finally gave up and called it a tie. Cameron is just such a solid, warm, lovely presence who I still think so fondly of even four generations later. And then Brian was so bratty and ridiculous and fun. He was even the first sim I broke my unofficial rules about marrying off spares for so that I could have him move back in long enough to marry Cassandra Goth. I absolutely adore both of these guys, and they more than earned their spots in the top 10.


8-7) Aurora & Zoe

Aurora is another one whose ranking might change over time, but right now I feel very good about placing her here. She was a lovely sunshine angel in life, and she remains a lovely sunshine angel as a ghost. I adore her.

Zoe really had her own personality and presence in the game, I loved playing her from beginning to end, I’d love to play her again in a future save, and she is absolutely yet another thirst ranking because wow.


6-5) Delilah & Drusilla

My feelings about these two are kind of similar, so it’s cool that I can talk about them together, too. Like Zoe they both really had their own presences and definite personalities. You might think Dru shouldn’t be so high up, but the fact that I was so bummed for so long that she wouldn’t be the Matriarch was a major consideration there. (Jasmine did end up being one of my favorite Matriarchs and I’m really glad that she inherited, but Dru would have been fun.)


4-3) Ethan & Keith

My feelings about these two are really similar, too–they’re just the best of boys! I’ve had plans for a new save for Keith for a long time, and am hoping to play and document it after the 100 baby challenge. And Ethan is just the absolute best Family sim you could ask for. Xander set the older brother bar really high, but Ethan surpassed it, and that’s such an incredible feat.


2) Luna


GODDESS DIVINE. It feels so strange not to have her listed as my favorite because my love and enthusiasm for her as always been so strong and true. But she is still at the absolute center of my simming heart and I will absolutely be revisiting her in a future save. (I’m actually thinking about trying this take on the Immortal Sisters challenge with her, Misty, Nadine & October!)


1) Tabitha


THE WOMAN THE MYTH THE LEGEND. Who else could it have possibly been? No matter how strong my feelings about Luna or Keith or Ethan, Tabitha had such a massive impact on my gameplay and the legacy in general that she absolutely had to be #1.

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