The Morgan Matriarchy: Chapter 1.2


So I played through, like, two more sim days–see, this is my problem, I get so attached to my sims that I want to document every little thing they do! ;;

Anyway, as a reminder, when I started out the current household residents were (left to right, back to front): Faye, our matriarch; Drusilla (young adult, Mortimer Goth’s daughter); Errol (teen, Don Lothario’s son); Finn (child, Clay Maynard’s son); Gavin (child, Dominic Fyres’s son); and twins Irene and Herald (toddlers, Clement Frost’s children).



The first thing on my agenda was REDOING THEIR KITCHEN, since one of my favorite people gave me Cool Kitchen Stuff!!


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This mostly just reminded me that I really want to  move them into a new house ASAP. One with a bigger kitchen. And four bedrooms. And a third bathroom. And space in general.


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Gameplay-wise, the first thing on my agenda was to get the first stage of Drusilla’s Aspiration completed so that I could move her out. It was like she knew, since she got in a lot of autonomous family time beforehand. (And after she moved out, for that matter, as you’ll see.)


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She already had a boyfriend, and they had already been on their first date, so I just sent them on another date and then she was all ready to move out. T_T So now she’s living with Avalon and Cameron.


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Speaking of Cameron, he asked to come over and then immediately–took a bath??? Dude, that’s the only bathtub we have, there’s barely time for all the actual household members to use it without scheduling in guests, too!


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Then he immediately went and hung out with Errol for a bit, and I was like oh, okay, he really is here to see the family, that’s so sweet, Cameron’s my favorite I love him–


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–and then he took another bath??? Dang, what is happening over at his house that has him this stressed out???


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I am always so thankful when sims randomize the Neat trait, but even moreso in this challenge. Between the household members and the house guests, there are always a lot of plates to clean up.


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… including ones that get stuff shot, apparently???


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I mean, would it really be a Morgan Matriarchy update without Faye fixing at least one plumbing item while pregnant?


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/family bonding montage


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I think Avalon approves of the new kitchen!


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I’m kinda debating moving Brian in with Avalon and Cameron when room opens up in their house. They’re just such a set!

Note: I actually uploaded them to the Gallery all together, if you’re interested in having any of them in your game:



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Drusilla: “So… does this mean we get extra Winterfest presents, or…?”


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I don’t know about extra presents, but it was really cute to see Clement and Herald get some bonding time in! The hug was totally autonomous and melted my heart when I saw it.


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I’m just dreading the day we get the phone call notifying us Marcus has passed on. He’s one of my absolute favorite TS4 premades, and he’s been extra exceptional in this game.


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A matriarch’s job never ends. ;;


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Finally time for baby #10 to join the family! Say hello to our new potential heiress, Jasmine!


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I had totally forgotten about Faye’s party outfit, so it was such a delightful surprise to see it when she changed for Finn’s birthday party! Look at that awesome hat!


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Oh my god, is the party outfit even enough to win over Eric??? Is this finally the moment-


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Eric: “I can hear you, you know”



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Finn is now a Teen! He’s a Romance sim with the Soulmate aspiration, and his new trait is Materialistic.


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I… don’t understand what’s happening with his body. Specifically his tiny shoulders and teensy arms. I’m kinda wondering if it might be worth having him work out and build up his fitness. Would that fill in his arms some?


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… why. WHY.

Note to self: move the mirror into the hallway to avoid post-candle gatherings in tiny spaces.


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I actually spent a lot of time with Finn during the rest of the gameplay session. He and Gavin are now best friends (fulfilling Gavin’s Social Butterfly aspiration tier) and I had him go do some gardening.


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While he was there, Avalon called and invited him over to their house! Which was awesome for a number of reasons…


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The most important being that he was able to meet his niece and nephew! Mikayla is Cameron’s daughter, and Mark is Avalon’s son.


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This meant that I could have my first toddler party!


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Mikayla is a Wild toddler.

This, possibly, explains why Cameron needed both energizing and relaxing baths earlier this update…


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Gavin was happy to meet his baby sister. What a novel concept!


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I had to laugh at how it looked like Errol was giving Herald an art lecture.



I do end up having my sims turn down most invites to go places and do things, but I couldn’t not have Errol say yes to an invitation this many levels of incredible.


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So yeah, I had Errol invite Finn & Don along, and at Brian’s direction they all went… to the bowling alley… to meet chicks.

This is why I love Brian.


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Much like with the oldest three kids, I think of Errol, Finn, and Gavin as a set, and I’m planning to have them live together once they’re out of the house.


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I mostly invited Finn along because his Soulmate Aspiration means I’m definitely going to get him married off before moving him out of the house when he grows up, so the best way I can think of to do that is to have him befriend a Young Adult now, then romance her when he’s also a Young Adult. (Since the aging is so much faster in a 100 baby challenge, I don’t want to do Teen/Teen relationships since the significant other might not age up as fast.)

These were the only two Young Adult girls that showed up the entire time, and the one on the left barely stayed at all. I’m not convinced the one on the right is The One for Finn. There aren’t a lot of Young Adults in the game that I can see in general. Lots of potential baby daddies, but not a lot of Young Adults. I might have to start importing sims. Hmm.


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Well, okay, there were three young adult girls there. What’s up, Dru! I love that even though she’s not in the house, she’s still somehow always around. That’s my girl. ❤


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For those of you keeping score at home, Brian spent almost the whole time chatting with Don at the bar.


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Also for those of you keeping score at home, this is what Don looks like in TS4.

Errol definitely takes after his mother.


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… there is just… so much happening on this man. I’m fascinated.


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And I’ll leave you with Faye questioning her life choices! I’m kinda actively hoping she’ll roll up the want to marry Johnny, so that I can retire her from matriarch life. She always seems so miserable when she’s pregnant.


Goals for today’s gameplay: get the twins, Errol, Jasmine, and Gavin aged up!

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