The Morgan Matriarchy: Chapter 4.5 (Part Five)

Welcome back to The Morgan Matriarchy! This, believe it or not, is the final update featuring Genesis as our Matriarch, and therefore the final installment of Chapter 4. I also decided to go ahead and post the Generation Five Analysis!

Sim Guides: Generation Four and Generation Five


09-01-19_12-29-03 PM

The household at the beginning of the update, left to right: Sadie (#45, our Heiress), Genesis (#33, our Matriarch), and Ronald (#44)



08-31-19_8-28-32 PM

So I played through 3 days in the game…….. aaaaaaand then an event glitched out and I had to quit without saving, only to discover that I had only saved the first 4 sim hours’ worth of gameplay. T_T After staring in disbelief, I sighed in resignation and played it all over again.



08-31-19_8-34-26 PM

First thing to redo: finishing Genesis’s lifetime aspiration! All she had left to do was mentor a sim on an instrument for 3 hours, so she, Ronald and I sacrificed our ear drums and made it happen.



08-31-19_11-27-36 PM

It turned into a whole family effort this time around, though I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe they all had invisible ear plugs.



08-31-19_11-31-53 PM

Sadly, the second thing to redo was witness Ethan’s death. Originally I had them all go out to dinner (it was Night on the Town day), only for him to unexpectedly die as soon as they got to the table, so this time I decided to keep them all at the house until he passed away.



08-31-19_11-36-21 PM

I’m going to miss him a lot. T_T He was definitely one of my generation 4 favorites, which is saying a lot since generation 4 was such a beloved group for me.



08-31-19_11-39-29 PM

Genesis’s death was also on the To Repeat list… but let’s not talk about that yet.



08-31-19_11-50-53 PM

Time for Night on the Town! I invited Kai as part of the group, but to my total lack of surprise his wife, Ali, was at the restaurant on her own anyway. Those two always turn up everywhere we go. Cousin Maribel was also there with a very handsome gentleman. I’m always intrigued by what the Morgan cousins get up to.



09-01-19_12-09-43 AM

So here was the group: Idris, Sadie, Kai, Genesis, Harry, Ronald, Freya, and Miko. I wanted all the remaining generation 4 siblings to hang out together one last time, I wanted Genesis and Miko to spend more time together, Ronald and Sadie are givens, and I just invited Kai along since he’s so family-oriented.



09-01-19_12-10-11 AM

Sadly this is our last Freya sighting–she passed away at like 5 in the morning, and it didn’t happen on the family lot so we won’t be seeing her ghost (unless she turns up at a public lot, I guess.)



09-01-19_12-13-24 AM

Oldest gen 5 sim Jude also turned up! He was with one of the baby mamas I never got to use for Genesis, Olive Griffin (who can be found on the Gallery). There are several that are still in the neighborhood, and I do see Sadie as being bisexual, so I’m planning for her to have children with any of those women if they hit it off.



09-01-19_12-16-31 AM

…. all I wanted to do was get a picture of Jude being handsome, but when I went into camera mode these two popped back up out of whatever invisible pocket realm they’d been hiding in. A portal gone wrong, maybe? I neither understand nor approve.



09-01-19_12-17-01 AM

Much better.



09-01-19_12-43-05 AM

The first time I played through these days, Genesis got food poisoning after Night on the Town. This time around poor Sadie did instead.



09-01-19_12-26-40 PM

… since it was New Year’s Eve my plan was to do the same thing I’d done the first time I played this: invite a bunch of the gen 5 kids over as early as possible so that they’d be on hand when Genesis passed away, since I knew it would happen a little before 9 AM. Unfortunately for me I played the events of this update on two different days (real life days), and I guess I saved the game too late on the first night, since it was basically 7:45 AM in game when I loaded it the next day, so Genesis didn’t have time to do anything other than get out of bed and go downstairs (she was on her way to mourn Ethan, actually T_T) before she died. )))))))))): My poor girl. She deserved so much better.



09-01-19_12-27-51 PM

Ronald was the only person who was even able to mourn her, since Sadie was busy having her needs drained from the food poisoning.



09-01-19_12-41-47 PM

I don’t really think having a life talk with Grim made Phillip feel too much better about the whole situation.



09-01-19_1-00-10 PM

Being in his brothers’ company apparently did, though. I always think of these four boys as a unit, and the one thing that bums me out about Ronald being family-oriented is that they won’t all be living together. (I mean, I know they could, but Ronald is going to be getting married and I like to have my nuclear families in their own households, y’know?)



09-01-19_1-01-34 PM

Natalie didn’t seem to take quite as much comfort in the group gathering as they did, though.



09-01-19_1-03-35 PM

I was amused by how it looks like she was joining in the toast, but with tea instead of wine.



09-01-19_1-14-23 PM

The first time I played all of this, Ronald hit it off with the hostess at the restaurant and ended up marrying her. (Their wedding was the event that glitched out.) The second time the restaurant staff was entirely different, and none of them suited him. So when the game informed me that the Romance Festival was in town, I decided to send him to see if he’d meet anyone there, and I had him bring along a whole bunch of other Morgans for good measure.



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I didn’t have him invite Kai since I knew he’d turn up, and sure enough, he and Ali were all ready to celebrate.



09-01-19_1-28-43 PM

Also on hand: generation 4 spare Harry and his wife, Molly Fitzhugh!



09-01-19_1-22-55 PM

And Lara turned up as well, though she didn’t bring Akira.



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Obligatory slideshow of festival moments.



09-01-19_1-30-57 PM

I didn’t have any luck finding anyone for Ronald–there was only one Young Adult there, this bearded gentleman here, and he didn’t strike me as being Ronald’s type. But I did bring Sadie to the lot after a few hours and had her introduce herself to him, as well as to Sapphia (the pigtailed girl on her right) who is another of the potential baby mamas Genesis never met, so that they could both be potential co-parents.



09-01-19_1-37-19 PM

Sadie also earned the dubious honor of being my first sim to use the karaoke machine.



09-01-19_1-39-35 PM

And don’t worry, the Morgans carried on the family tradition of sleeping at events.



09-01-19_11-06-13 PM

I was too stubborn to give up on the whole Find Ronald A Spouse Who Is A Young Adult And Who Suits Him quest (seriously, why does my game have no young adults right now???) so when Sadie went to school I sent Ronald and a few other Morgans to the art gallery in San Myshuno, since I hadn’t been there yet.



09-01-19_11-07-47 PM

And Lara showed up after a little while. (For the record, she dressed herself.)



09-01-19_11-11-27 PM

Ronald spent basically the whole time bonding with Oliver, since once again there were no Young Adults to be seen.



09-01-19_11-14-24 PM

…. sorry, Creepy Mustachio’d not-Mattey, but you’re not a Young Adult so you might as well give up on creeping, because you’re not eligible.

ANYWAY, I decided that if there were no young adults in the neighborhood then I’d have to add them myself, and after perusing my Gallery downloads…



09-01-19_11-35-39 PM

I decided it was time to marry in another Fitzhugh! You might remember Quinlan if you read Xander’s Bachelor Challenge. She’s a Nature sim and has the Creative trait, just like Ronald, so I thought they might hit it off. I moved her into San Myshuno and sent Ronald to meet her, along with Lara and Bernard, since they’re related to her.



09-01-19_11-40-29 PM

Lara made herself right at home.



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Quinlan and Ronald definitely hit it off. Poor Bernard did not approve.



09-01-19_11-47-54 PM

Cutes! I can’t wait to see their kid(s).



09-01-19_11-52-35 PM

Sadie actually didn’t bring home an A, so I sent her over to the apartment and had her do her homework and work on a few of her needs so that she’d be in better shape for her next school day. Quinlan isn’t actually helping her with her homework here, but they were chatting, which was nice to see. I don’t think I’m going to have Ronald and Quinlan continue to live with Sadie after they get married, but Ronald and Sadie are so close that I want Ronald and Quinlan to be frequent visitors.



09-02-19_12-38-16 AM

Sadie did bring home that all-important A the next day, so it was time for her to become a Young Adult! She got Good as her third trait, which was such a relief since I was so sure it would be Kleptomaniac. ;; I decided to change things up a little bit and give her a black & white bash instead of a regular birthday party.



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I’m not sure if Idris and Lara approved. ;;



09-02-19_12-37-26 AM

Or maybe they’re just salty that Natalie was hands-down the hottest sim there. *_*



09-02-19_12-49-00 AM

Quinlan’s take on the same look was apparently enough to make Jude walk through the wall.



09-02-19_12-48-26 AM

I spent half a second being totally bewildered when I saw this sim walk in–and then realized that it’s Kai and Ali’s newly-teenified daughter, Iris! More about her at the end of the update.



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Obligatory slideshow the second.



09-02-19_12-55-19 AM

(Yes, Quincy was hanging out with the most important family member of all.)



09-02-19_12-58-40 AM

And I decided it was a good time for Ronald to propose to Quinlan! There’s something about him doing it in a room full of his family members that I am just really charmed by.



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And of course she said yes!



09-02-19_1-11-14 AM

So this is where I’ve left these two, because I appreciate that there’s really no way either of them can go from this moment but up. ;; I’ve already moved them into their new house, so you’ll see that in the next update. Also to come–Ronald and Quinlan’s wedding and Sadie getting generation 6 underway!



09-02-19_1-22-24 AM

And here’s your look at Iris! She has the Cheerful and Childish traits and the Joke Star aspiration. I decided to give her longer hair since her neck is too long for really short hair, but I gave her a streaked hairstyle so that it would be a little more fun than just regular black hair. I think she’s a cutie! Definitely takes more after her mom than her dad, though.

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