The Morgan Matriarchy: Chapter 4.5 (Part Three)

Welcome back to The Morgan Matriarchy! After gaming quite a bit over the weekend, I have two updates’ worth of pictures to share. Since Sadie is currently a Teen in game, I think we’ll be done with this generation after Part 5 of this chapter. I haven’t been inspired to take a whole lot of pictures in game, which is why the updates have been so much shorter. Something about this generation overall just isn’t clicking with me the way Jasmine and Wendy’s kids did. I mean, I like them all, don’t get me wrong! The other two just set the bar way too high.

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The household at the beginning of this update, left to right: Ronald (#44), Genesis (current Matriarch), Sadie (#45, our Heiress) and Quincy (#43).

The Generation Four Guide can be found here and the Generation Five Guide is here.


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I was in such a hurry to get Phillip out of the house that I forgot to photograph him and Genesis together before he went. ;; So here is the picture they took during his first visit. I’m way too entertained by how perfectly Kai is photobombing it there behind the door.



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I did try to get a bunch of pictures of Sadie, both because she’s our heiress and because she’s super cute.



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It’s always strange when the house goes from being filled to the brim to being super quiet.



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Though I do try to have the family over constantly! I took out the hack that allows more than 8 members in a club, since I wanted to cut down on lag as much as possible, so I pretty much just invite family members over in waves rather than all at once.



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I also tried to invite the kids’ other moms over, too.



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When you want to take a selfie but you have an active sad moodlet.



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Every so often you get a Matriarch who seems to really like the whole twelve million kids life, but Genesis, like Wendy, is more of one who would have preferred just a couple of kids, I think. She’s certainly a lot easier to handle now that she isn’t constantly pregnant and running around after a bunch of kids.



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Twin cuteness! I need to remember to get a selfie of them together now that they’re Elders.



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It took a couple tries to get the household picture. ;;;;;;



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I’m really hoping the next patch will fix sims’ inability to close their umbrellas as soon as they enter the house, because this is ridiculous.



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But we have other things to talk about, like how Ronald grew up–




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–into Harry Potter!



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He made some interesting wardrobe decisions, too. ^^



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He got the Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration and Creative as his second trait.



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Sadie grew up on the same night! She got the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration and has Geek as her first trait, which makes me super happy. That would be a fun one to have a lot of in a generation.



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I’m really looking forward to putting all of Genesis’s kids’ pictures together for the Gen 5 Analysis post. Just from what I’ve observed in game, the similarities and differences seem especially interesting to me this time around.



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The obligatory family shots from this particular gathering! Yes, that’s Lara autonomously helping Ronald with his homework. She, Natalie and Kai cover all the bases when it comes to older siblings assisting with child care.



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Genesis rolled up the want to ask Miko to be her girlfriend a few days after Nicola’s death. It actually took a few more days before she could, because of the endless parade of family and ex-lovers’ deaths leaving her with constant sad moodlets, but finally the timing was right and she and Miko became girlfriends.



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Quincy couldn’t let Ronald and Sadie have all the birthday fun! He became a Young Adult, and got Cheerful as his third trait. I have to say, I’m really glad that Cheerful is the Genesis trait that most of her kids got. I was dreading dealing with another generation full of kleptomaniacs. ;;



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Yet more obligatory family shots… (Enjoy the Cameron sights while you can, because he passed away shortly after this. T_T)




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I’d actually intended to do this days earlier, but kept putting it off because I spent a few gameplay sessions being less invested in what I was doing and kind of going through the motions rather than doing fun stuff. But I was finally in a better mindset one day and decided it was time to send Genesis to meet her grandchildren! As you might recall, Kai has a daughter named Iris and Lara has a son named Bernard.



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I also wanted to make sure Sadie knows them so that she can invite them over in the future!



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It’s always fun visiting other houses in the game, and it was really nice to see Kai and Lara’s mothers again, since they were included in the visits. (Well, Rhysanne lives with Lara, but you know what I mean.)



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Sadly I kept them there too long, and Sadie got to practice her passing out technique for the days ahead. >.<



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The next day was Monday, so while the kids were at school I went ahead and let Genesis and Miko have a cute lunch date. I can’t remember the name of the restaurant I sent them to, but it was a more formal one, so they were able to dress up and everything.



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As always, I had a lot of fun seeing which other Morgans showed up! Kai and Lara being on dates with their spouses was unsurprising and also endearing. I’m not sure who Caroline’s date is, but they both looked smitten every time I checked up on them. Very cute.



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And I’ll leave you with this shot of Sadie fulfilling her whim to watch Public Access Television. What a mature little bean.



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Bonus spare update: here’s a proper shot of Lara and Akira’s son, Bernard! Yes, he autonomously aged up into the fauxhawk. I’m sure Rhys would be proud.

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